Learning from the Pre-birth Change Project

Learning from the Pre-birth Change Project
Delivered online using Teams
12:00 - 13:30 Monday, 20 January 2025
This webinar, led by Claire Mason (Research Fellow at The Centre for Child and Family Justice Research, Lancaster University), presents new learning, resources and tools from the Pre-Birth Change Project to help managers, leads, commissioners and practitioners to develop their pre-birth services and practice, and achieve better outcomes for infants and their parents.
The Pre-birth Change Project brought together academics, practitioners and leaders in children’s social care to discuss policies and practices related to pre-birth work. The Change Project aimed to support change in local areas by learning from cutting edge research and innovative practice which focuses on improving the chances of keeping mothers and babies together whenever possible and ensuring that mothers receive compassionate and safe care when separation is unavoidable.
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Audience Types
Principal Social Worker (PSW)
Senior practitioners
Social workers
Team leaders
Strategic leads
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Child and family assessment | Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Promote and govern excellent practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Shaping and influencing the practice system | Confident analysis and decision-making | Purposeful and effective social work | Lead and govern excellent practice | Creating a context for excellent practice | Designing a system to support effective practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Support effective decision-making | Quality assurance and improvement
CQC - Safe | Effective | Caring | Responsive | Well-led
PCF - Values and ethics | Rights, justice and economic wellbeing | Knowledge | Critical reflection and analysis | Intervention and skills | Contexts and organisations | Professional leadership