
Research in Practice is committed to ensuring that our website and resources are easy to use and accessible for the widest possible audience, whatever your ability or disability. We have designed our site focused on usability and accessibility, and we have made the website text as simple as possible to understand. We are committed to ongoing improvements in site accessibility.

We hope that you find our website easy to use. Some users may wish to customise their computer settings to get the most accessible experience. If you would like some help with this, you may find the AbilityNet website useful.

The Research in Practice website has been designed to comply with W3C guidelines. We aim to adhere to all best practice guidelines and standards for usability and accessibility across the website, although there may be limitations in some areas. If you have any difficulty using the site, or have suggestions for its improvement, please contact us.

Browser Accessibility Options

In addition to the accessibility features of this website, your internet browser (e.g., Edge, Firefox, Chrome) provides ways for you to make this website easier to read. You can change the text size, colour or font, change the background colour, or remove the images, leaving pages as text-only.

The ‘help’ facility of your internet browser software will provide useful information on these and other accessibility options. Additional information on accessibility options can be found by following the links below:

Accessibility options for Microsoft Edge

Accessibility options for Apple Macintosh

Accessibility options for Microsoft Windows

Accessibility options for Mozilla Firefox

Accessibility options for Google Chrome

This website uses PDF files for certain documents, which can be read with Adobe's Acrobat Reader software if they do not load automatically in your browser. Acrobat's accessibility features are explained below:

Accessibility options for Adobe Acrobat

Let us know what you think

If you enjoyed using the Research in Practice website, or if you had challenges with any part of it, please contact us.

This statement was prepared June 2023. It was last updated on June 2023.