Commissioning learning and development support
Commissioning learning and development support designed to meet your organisational needs.
Research in Practice can design and deliver bespoke learning and development support packages to meet your organisational needs.
Bespoke support can be offered online or in-house as face-to-face deliveries. Our skilled team will work closely with you to ensure that this support meets the learning outcomes your organisation is looking to achieve.

Contact us
If there is a topic or approach that your organisation is interested in commissioning, please complete this form or contact:
Please note that bespoke support may require a longer lead time for workshop delivery.
Developing Practice Leadership: Reflective Supervision Programmes
Research in Practice can provide programmes for organisations seeking to develop and embed a culture of reflective, curious and relational supervision.
Reflective supervision can support critical thinking and analysis, enhance emotional wellbeing and is a core element in any learning organisation.
Our skilled team will work closely with you to ensure that this support meets the learning outcomes your organisation is looking to achieve, in a format that meets your organisational needs.
Find out more
‘The pace of the training was comfortable and the resources useful. All could be related to my everyday practise and self-development.’
Who we have worked with
At Research in Practice, we offer an extensive learning and development programme. Learning and development can be adapted to meet the needs of your organisation.
Read a practice example below to find out how we supported a local authority in London.
London local authority
Addressing sexual abuse and exploitation was a core priority in a local authority in London. They had found that one specific workshop on the national programme of workshops, intra-familial child sexual abuse, particularly met this priority. The local authority spoke in detail with our team, who considered carefully whether the workshop material would be suitable for their needs.
The team then discussed this with the expert facilitator who designed and delivered the workshop, and – with extra development and tailoring – we were able to adapt and deliver this workshop to meet the local authority’s needs.
Several changes were made to the workshop content. This included adapting discussions away from sharing experiences between different local authorities to how different teams within the same local authority saw and addressed the challenges of intra-familial child sexual abuse. Also, at the local authority’s request, the facilitator incorporated material about the cultural context of the local population, and from it considered whether there were any distinct issues related to communities.