A new Practice Tool aims to support social care practitioners to embed evidence-informed practice in their organisations.
Evidence-informed practice brings together evidence from research, practice expertise and the views of people with lived experience. The suite of tools is designed to support practitioners, managers and organisations to embed the use of research into policy and practice.
The resource is made up of five tools, aiming to help identify strengths and gaps that need addressing. They explore:
This short exercise to help us reflect on where our knowledge comes from and help start conversations about research use.
This tool aims to help managers, supervisors and others responsible for developing practice unpick their own attitude to research use.
Supporting practitioners to reflect on their use of research in practice. It can be used individually, in supervision as part of professional development or as a team exercise.
A useful tool to support to model evidence-informed practice in your role as a leader or developer of practice.
Tying research in to current issues provides an important steer for strategic engagement and will help you to positively influence evidence-informed practice.
Supporting Link Officers to embed evidence-informed practice

To support new and existing Link Officers, we have launched an updated Link Officer toolkit. The aim of the toolkit is to support Link Officers to embed Research in Practice resources and demonstrate value from being in partnership with us.
The toolkit provides a range of multi-media resources alongside links to useful tools and resources to support you to embed evidence-informed practice in your organisation. This includes a presentation by Lisa Cassidy from Bolton Council, outlining how they ensure colleagues engage with Research in Practice resources. We have also added new videos on creating a Research in Practice account and recording CPD, and updated promotional materials for your organisation.
Embedding evidence-informed practice supports individuals to be more confident and competent in what they do, and supports organisations to learn and improve.