How to use Research in Practice - January 2026
How to use Research in Practice - January 2026
Delivered online using Teams
12:00 - 13:00 Wednesday, 28 January 2026
Join us for one hour on the last Wednesday of the month to get an overview of the Research in Practice website, the different ways you can use it and discover resources to help you whatever your role.
This session is open to practitioners and managers across health and social care, working in both practice-focused or strategic roles.
Aimed at anyone new to Research in Practice, or those wanting a refresher, this session will:
- Introduce Research in Practice and the resources available.
- Demonstrate how to set up a Research in Practice account to access learning and record continuing professional development (CPD).
- Encourage reflection on how to use resources to support evidence-informed practice with children and families, young people and adults.
- Provide an opportunity to identify specific resources you might find useful in your role.
Please note you will need to have a Research in Practice account to request your place at this event.
If the above event (or occurrence of an event) is displaying as 'Event Full' and you would like to be added to a waiting list, please email detailing the required event title, event time and date.
We will contact you should places become available.
Audience Types
Senior leaders
Workforce development teams